World Sailing Trust has partnered with SailGP Inspire to support this exciting programme for young people.

SailGP Inspire includes three pillars:
- Learning: Engaging education sessions for 9-15 year olds to experience education through sailing, focusing on STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) and problem solving.
- Careers: 1-2 week work experience opportunities and long term internship placements for 18-23 year olds gaining professional, leadership and life skills.
- Racing: 5 day clinics and regattas for young sailors aged U20years old, gaining sailing-specific racing skills to support the development of these young athletes.
The Inspire programme takes place at each of SailGP’s international stopovers, offering unique opportunities to young sailors around the world, gaining experiences on the water and in the sport’s wider infrastructure.
World Sailing Trust is supporting SailGP Inspire to fundraise for this programme as part of our Youth Pathways work. As the Inspire programme develops, WST will work with SailGP Inspire to develop the programme’s legacy, expand its impact to further locations, and capture best practice to support young sail.
Please consider donating to support our partnership.
With thanks to our partners

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